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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

Cool Treats and Healthy Snacks for Hot Summer Days

By American Specialty Health on August 26, 2024

You don’t have to settle for sugary popsicles and cold sodas to cool you down when it’s hot out. Keep these inspiring ideas in mind for refreshing,...

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How to Find a Therapist Who Is Right for You

By American Specialty Health on August 19, 2024

A psychotherapist can help you cope with emotional and mental health challenges. Choosing a therapist is a personal decision—one to make with...

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Health and Safety Precautions to Protect You During Wildfire Season

By American Specialty Health on August 12, 2024

Protecting your health becomes a top priority when the air grows hazy with wildfire smoke. These precautions will help you stay safe during wildfire...

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Discover the Health Benefits of Strength Training You May Not Know About

By American Specialty Health on August 5, 2024

Strength training can help you attain a better quality of life. It’s proven to prevent frailty while improving mobility and independence. Have you...

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That Loving Feeling: The Infinite Health Benefits of Sex at Every Age

By American Specialty Health on June 24, 2024

While society may tell you that sex over 65 isn’t important, the lasting benefits of a healthy and fulfilling sex life, at any age, provides...

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Music as Medicine for Your Body, Mind, and Soul

By American Specialty Health on June 17, 2024

Music is an integral part of everyday life. But it’s more than entertainment. Music as medicine can ease the symptoms of many common health...

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9 Exercise Videos to Help Keep Your Hands and Wrists Strong

By American Specialty Health on June 10, 2024

You put your hands and wrists to work just about every day of your life. But how often do you think about exercising these important parts of your...

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How and Why to Add Nutritional Yeast to Your Diet

By American Specialty Health on June 3, 2024

Though its name may not make your mouth water, nutritional yeast is a food seasoning that’s packed with flavor and—you guessed it—nutrients!

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The Benefits of Tai Chi May Include Boosting Brain Health

By American Specialty Health on May 27, 2024

The benefits of tai chi include lowering stress, improving physical function and balance, and reducing fall risk. But did you know it can also...

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Staying Safe and Protecting Your Health in Extreme Heat

By American Specialty Health on May 20, 2024

As the days grow hotter, it’s crucial to prepare for extreme heat and to know the signs of heat-related illness. Keep your cool with these heat...

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