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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

10 Reasons Why Everyone Is Falling in Love With Pickleball

By American Specialty Health on December 6, 2021

Pickleball is all the rage these days. Not yet sure what it is? This lively game with the funny name is a mashup of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton....

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9 Practical Tips for Downsizing Your Home

By American Specialty Health on December 3, 2021

Downsizing is a common rite of passage for many older adults. And it can be fraught with emotion and stress. But these tips can help make the process...

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8 Healthy Habits to Keep Your Immune System Fighting for You

By American Specialty Health on November 18, 2021

Your immune system fights hard to protect you from invading germs that can make you sick. Help it in return by adopting these 8 healthy,...

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Sustainable Eating for a Healthier You and a Healthier Planet

By American Specialty Health on November 18, 2021

Sustainable eating is better for the environment and healthier for you. And it's not as costly or complicated as you might think. Learn what it means...

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Healthy Habits for a More Resilient Brain

By American Specialty Health on November 10, 2021

Engaging in healthy habits may have a bigger impact on your brain than you think. Learn how the following practices may improve your mental function...

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Aquatic Exercises Offer Fun, Safe, and Effective Ways to Get Fit

By American Specialty Health on November 5, 2021

Water workouts have built-in motivation. Each one offers a host of fun movements and full-body conditioning that help you get fit fast, with less...

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Retire, Keep Working, or Mix It Up? 5 Questions to Help You Decide

By American Specialty Health on November 4, 2021

What is your vision for the perfect post-retirement life? Languid days? A purpose-packed schedule? Or maybe a custom blend of both? Here's how to...

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9 Ways to Enjoy More Outdoor Exercise and Activities This Spring

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Going stir crazy? You’re not alone. COVID-19 and cold winter weather have left millions stuck at home for months. Shake off your indoor blues with...

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7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Stay Safe and Healthy on a Road Trip

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 during your travels. The pandemic has disrupted travel plans the world over. You’ve likely had to alter...

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3 Ways to Stand Up to Ageism for a Healthy, Happy, Vital Life

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Learn to recognize ageism and keep it from affecting your health and well-being. Have you ever been on the receiving end of an age-related remark or...

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