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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

You May Be More Sensitive to Alcohol as You Age

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Moderation is the key when it comes to drinking. But what’s “moderate” for you may change over time. That’s because your body may get more sensitive...

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What You Need to Know About Urinary Incontinence

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

If you sometimes lose control of your bladder, the first thing to know is that you are not alone. Millions of people experience urinary incontinence....

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How to Prepare for Aging in Place

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Aging in place can offer you comfort, independence, safety, and access to friends and family. If you choose to stay in your home as you age, it helps...

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Medicines That Can Raise Your Risk of Falling

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Do you know which medicines can raise your fall risk? And if you take them, what can you do about it?When you head down a flight of stairs, does the...

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You Might Be Experiencing Dehydration – and Why That’s Risky

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Dehydration becomes likelier as you age, and its effect on your health can be serious. When you become dehydrated it means you’re losing more fluids...

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How to Build Close Relationships With Friends – Both New and Old

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Learn how to make new friends and nurture caring, meaningful bonds with them. Strong friendships are such an important part of healthy aging. Your...

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Why It’s Perfectly OK to Keep Potatoes on Your Weight Loss Menu

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Potatoes often get a bad rap on the weight loss scene. But if eaten in moderation and made in healthy ways, they won’t derail your weight loss...

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4 Simple Rules That Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster and Sleep Better

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Make your bed a refuge of rest, not a source of stress.

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A Plant-Based Diet for Meat Lovers

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Does all the talk about going plant-based have you hugging your beloved burgers a bit more tightly? The truth is, if you’re a meat lover who would...

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