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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

Pick Up the Plogging Trend for Better Health, Fitness, and Well-Being

By American Specialty Health on March 24, 2022

Combining your fitness routine with a good deed may enhance your workout motivation in a big way. Plogging (picking up litter while you walk or jog)...

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Vertigo: What Causes It and What You Can Do About It

By American Specialty Health on March 24, 2022

If you feel a sudden sensation of things spinning when you stand up or move quickly, it could be vertigo. Sometimes you may feel as though you’re on...

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To Manage Blood Sugar Better, Put Some Muscle Into It

By American Specialty Health on March 14, 2022

What does muscle mass have to do with blood sugar? Quite a bit, it turns out. Recent research has shown that muscle tissue plays a key role in...

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Mental Health Tips to Lift You Up When the World Gets You Down

By American Specialty Health on March 14, 2022

If the weight of the world has you feeling down, stressed, or anxious—take comfort. You can take steps to get your mental health back on track and...

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A Creamy Asparagus Soup Recipe That Won’t Pack on the Pounds

By American Specialty Health on March 10, 2022

Is anything more satisfying than a rich, creamy bowl of soup? Think cream of broccoli, cream of potato, or cream of corn. The only problem with these...

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Power Up With High-Protein Pasta

By American Specialty Health on March 2, 2022

Cutting back on refined carbs no longer means you need to take pasta completely off your plate. Learn why many high-protein pastas offer a more...

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Getting Back to Your Fitness Routine After Joint Replacement Surgery

By American Specialty Health on January 18, 2022

Getting active after joint replacement surgery is key to your recovery. Learn why it’s so vital—and how to stay safe once you return to your fitness...

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How to Avoid Becoming an Active Couch Potato

By American Specialty Health on December 30, 2021

You’re getting the right amount of recommended exercise per week. But when you’re not working out, you’re sitting, which can harm your health in many...

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How to Break Free From a Food Rut

By American Specialty Health on December 30, 2021

Eating the same few foods day after day is boring. It also can leave you short on the nutrients you need. Learn how to move beyond a food rut! Dare...

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Revitalize: 9 Key Ways to Reclaim Your Energy

By American Specialty Health on December 8, 2021

Fatigue is not an inevitable side effect of aging. If your energy is flagging, learn how to pinpoint the reasons. Then take steps to revitalize! ...

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