Focus on Fitness—Not Weight Loss—for a Longer, Healthier Life
If weight loss is starting to seem unachievable, try setting a different goal. Getting more physically fit can improve your health in many of the...
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If weight loss is starting to seem unachievable, try setting a different goal. Getting more physically fit can improve your health in many of the...
Continue ReadingCombining your fitness routine with a good deed may enhance your workout motivation in a big way. Plogging (picking up litter while you walk or jog)...
Continue ReadingWhat does muscle mass have to do with blood sugar? Quite a bit, it turns out. Recent research has shown that muscle tissue plays a key role in...
Continue ReadingGetting active after joint replacement surgery is key to your recovery. Learn why it’s so vital—and how to stay safe once you return to your fitness...
Continue ReadingYou’re getting the right amount of recommended exercise per week. But when you’re not working out, you’re sitting, which can harm your health in many...
Continue ReadingPickleball is all the rage these days. Not yet sure what it is? This lively game with the funny name is a mashup of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton....
Continue ReadingWater workouts have built-in motivation. Each one offers a host of fun movements and full-body conditioning that help you get fit fast, with less...
Continue ReadingYou know you should work out, but there always seems to be a good excuse not to. There are likely many legitimate reasons why you, like many people,...
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