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Topic: Fitness

10 Reasons Why Everyone Is Falling in Love With Pickleball

By American Specialty Health on December 6, 2021

Pickleball is all the rage these days. Not yet sure what it is? This lively game with the funny name is a mashup of tennis, ping-pong, and badminton....

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Aquatic Exercises Offer Fun, Safe, and Effective Ways to Get Fit

By American Specialty Health on November 5, 2021

Water workouts have built-in motivation. Each one offers a host of fun movements and full-body conditioning that help you get fit fast, with less...

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How to Push Past These 5 Workout Excuses

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

You know you should work out, but there always seems to be a good excuse not to. There are so many legitimate reasons why you may have struggled to...

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