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Topic: Lifestyle

Health and Safety Precautions to Protect You During Wildfire Season

By American Specialty Health on August 12, 2024

Protecting your health becomes a top priority when the air grows hazy with wildfire smoke. These precautions will help you stay safe during wildfire...

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Music as Medicine for Your Body, Mind, and Soul

By American Specialty Health on June 17, 2024

Music is an integral part of everyday life. But it’s more than entertainment. Music as medicine can ease the symptoms of many common health...

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Staying Safe and Protecting Your Health in Extreme Heat

By American Specialty Health on May 20, 2024

As the days grow hotter, it’s crucial to prepare for extreme heat and to know the signs of heat-related illness. Keep your cool with these heat...

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14 Tips to Tame Your Seasonal Allergies

By American Specialty Health on April 29, 2024

Spring is in the air, along with a big spike in pollen. That’s bad news if you suffer from seasonal allergies. But these 14 self-care tips may help...

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How Active Listening Can Build Better Relationships

By American Specialty Health on March 4, 2024

Listening is key to effective communication. And like all skills, it takes practice. Learn how to pave the way to understanding through active...

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How a Good Dose of Morning Sun Helps Boost Health and Well-Being

By American Specialty Health on February 12, 2024

You know that wonderful feeling you get when you step into the bright morning sun? Well, turns out it's more than just a good feeling—it’s good for...

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Ease Constipation with Natural Remedies

By American Specialty Health on January 1, 2024

If you’re feeling backed up due to constipation, consider these natural methods to help get back to normal.

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7 Tips to Simplify the Holidays and Dial Down Your Stress

By American Specialty Health on November 22, 2023

The holidays. A time of joy, good cheer, and—often—a lot of stress. Make this year different with these 7 tips for a more relaxing and rejuvenating...

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My Breast Cancer Journey

By American Specialty Health on October 2, 2023

A breast cancer diagnosis can be frightening. Take encouragement from one who has walked through surgery, chemo, and radiation–and come out the other...

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Building and Practicing Resilience in Healthy Ways

By American Specialty Health on September 25, 2023

Building your resilience, or inner strength, is key to coping with life’s hardships. But if used in unhealthy ways, resilience can harm instead of...

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