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Topic: Lifestyle

Set SMART Goals and Rethink Your Resolutions

By American Specialty Health on March 13, 2023

Do your New Year’s resolutions seem to fizzle out like stale sparklers? Turns out, there’s a SMART way to make those New Year’s goals stick.

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Hearing Aids: Over-the-Counter vs. Prescription

By American Specialty Health on February 6, 2023

You can now buy hearing aids over the counter—without a prescription. Despite the benefits, working with a hearing expert is still likely a smart...

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Support Healthy Blood Sugar Levels With a Post-Meal Walk

By American Specialty Health on January 23, 2023

It’s tempting to put your feet up and relax after you’ve eaten. But research suggests that a short walk instead can support healthy blood sugar...

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6 Ways to Reignite Your Holiday Cheer

By American Specialty Health on December 2, 2022

If you’re feeling kind of “meh” about the holidays this year, take comfort. You may be able to infuse new meaning and joy into the holidays with...

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How To Build the Ultimate Emergency Car Kit for Your Next Road Trip

By American Specialty Health on November 4, 2022

If you’re gearing up for a road trip this holiday season, stay safe by outfitting your car with an emergency kit before you leave.

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Healing the Hurt When Your Adult Child Cuts Ties

By American Specialty Health on September 28, 2022

When your adult child cuts you off, the chasm can seem as wide as the pain is deep. But there are steps you can take toward repairing the...

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The Joy of Replacing Small Talk With Deep Conversations

By American Specialty Health on August 30, 2022

For many, talking with strangers rarely moves beyond small talk. But deeper, more meaningful conversations with strangers actually can provide some...

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Why Getting a Little Rest and Relaxation Is Crucial for Your Health

By American Specialty Health on July 27, 2022

Rest and relaxation—or R&R, as it’s often called—is key to a healthy life. But for many, R&R doesn’t always get the attention it’s due.

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Investing From the Heart: How ESG Supports Health and Wealth

By American Specialty Health on June 22, 2022

An investment strategy known as ESG allows you to invest your money in ways that align with your values and ethics—a win-win for your health and your...

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Raise Your Emotional Intelligence for Better Health and Well-Being

By American Specialty Health on May 25, 2022

Emotional intelligence can enrich your life in all sorts of ways. Learn what this important skill is and what you can do to strengthen your own...

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