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Topic: Lifestyle

Embrace Your Life Purpose for Better Health

By American Specialty Health on April 28, 2022

You may already have found your life purpose. Or you may still be searching for it. Either way, having one comes with some important health benefits....

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How to Decide If Pet Adoption Is a Healthy Choice for You

By American Specialty Health on April 28, 2022

Adopting a pet can enrich your life, health, and well-being in a host of ways. But it’s not for everyone. Ask yourself the right questions to decide...

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Vertigo: What Causes It and What You Can Do About It

By American Specialty Health on March 24, 2022

If you feel a sudden sensation of things spinning when you stand up or move quickly, it could be vertigo. Sometimes you may feel as though you’re on...

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Revitalize: 9 Key Ways to Reclaim Your Energy

By American Specialty Health on December 8, 2021

Fatigue is not an inevitable side effect of aging. If your energy is flagging, learn how to pinpoint the reasons. Then take steps to revitalize! ...

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8 Healthy Habits to Keep Your Immune System Fighting for You

By American Specialty Health on November 18, 2021

Your immune system fights hard to protect you from invading germs that can make you sick. Help it in return by adopting these 8 healthy,...

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Healthy Habits for a More Resilient Brain

By American Specialty Health on November 10, 2021

Engaging in healthy habits may have a bigger impact on your brain than you think. Learn how the following practices may improve your mental function...

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9 Ways to Enjoy More Outdoor Exercise and Activities This Spring

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Going stir crazy? You’re not alone. COVID-19 and cold winter weather have left millions stuck at home for months. Shake off your indoor blues with...

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7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Stay Safe and Healthy on a Road Trip

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Protect yourself and others from COVID-19 during your travels. The pandemic has disrupted travel plans the world over. You’ve likely had to alter...

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You May Be More Sensitive to Alcohol as You Age

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

Moderation is the key when it comes to drinking. But what’s “moderate” for you may change over time. That’s because your body may get more sensitive...

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What You Need to Know About Urinary Incontinence

By American Specialty Health on April 30, 2021

If you sometimes lose control of your bladder, the first thing to know is that you are not alone. Millions of people experience urinary incontinence....

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