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Topic: Healthy Aging

2 Life Skills to Calm Your Mind and Help You Sleep

By American Specialty Health on June 5, 2023

Does sleep still elude you even after trying every relaxation trick in the book? If so, here are a couple of insomnia-curbing tools you may not have...

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8 Common Food and Fitness Myths That Can Hinder Your Health

By American Specialty Health on May 1, 2023

Myths around fitness and nutrition are all too common. But to live your healthiest life, it’s important to sort fact from fiction. Here’s a look at...

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Incorporate Safe Stretching to Move More Freely as You Age

By American Specialty Health on April 17, 2023

You may feel rushed or just not in the mood to stretch after your workouts. But here’s why it’s vital to weave stretching into your fitness routine.

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How to Spot and Protect Yourself From Medical Gaslighting

By American Specialty Health on March 6, 2023

Gaslighting, a disempowering form of manipulation, can happen in all kinds of relationships—including the one between you and your health care...

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8 Key Eating Habits to Support Better Heart Health

By American Specialty Health on February 20, 2023

Nearly half of American adults have at least one risk factor related to heart health, so it's important to take steps like following a healthy diet.

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Nitric Oxide Is a Tiny Molecule With Huge Health Benefits

By American Specialty Health on January 9, 2023

Nitric oxide plays a critical role in many vital functions in the body. But with age, the body makes less of it. Here are several ways to keep your...

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F.A.S.T. Thinking Can Help You Spot a Stroke

By American Specialty Health on November 4, 2022

Learning the symptoms of stroke can help minimize the damage it can cause. Remember the acronym “F.A.S.T.” and you might help save a life.

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Navigating Medicare Enrollment

By American Specialty Health on September 27, 2022

Medicare enrollment can be a confusing labyrinth, especially when enrolling the first time. Here are resources to help you walk through it.

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Does an Aspirin a Day Keep Heart Disease Away?

By American Specialty Health on September 2, 2022

You may have seen headlines recently about low-dose aspirin use. Read on to learn if an aspirin a day is still a good way to prevent heart disease.

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How to Protect Yourself From Shingles

By American Specialty Health on August 8, 2022

Learn about shingles and how you can protect yourself from this viral infection with the shingles vaccine.

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