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Topic: Nutrition

How and Why to Add Nutritional Yeast to Your Diet

By American Specialty Health on June 3, 2024

Though its name may not make your mouth water, nutritional yeast is a food seasoning that’s packed with flavor and—you guessed it—nutrients!

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Whip Up a Batch of These Fresh-Tasting, Healthy Fish Tacos

By American Specialty Health on May 13, 2024

If you’re looking for a fresh, high-protein meal, this tasty fish taco recipe could be just the ticket. And it’s a crowd-pleasing dish for any...

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A Crunchy, In-Season Burst of Spinach and Tomatoes Brings Color to Your Plate

By American Specialty Health on April 22, 2024

Looking for a dish of spring flavors that will tantalize your tastebuds? Look no further than this healthy, tasty Spinach and Vegetable Casserole...

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Unlock Your Energy With a Healthy Meal Schedule

By American Specialty Health on April 8, 2024

When you eat may be just as important as what you eat. A healthy meal schedule, customized just for you, may boost your energy and health in a range...

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Fueling Your Fitness: A Guide to Pre- and Post-Workout Snacks

By American Specialty Health on March 11, 2024

Fitness and nutrition are 2 sides of the same coin. So, focus on getting the right nutrients—at the right time—in your pre- and post-workout snacks.

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How Probiotics and Prebiotics Work Together to Support Your Health

By American Specialty Health on February 19, 2024

Your gut health can impact your overall health in many ways. Learn how to support a healthy gut—and a healthy you—with probiotics and prebiotics.

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7 Reasons Why Breakfast Is the One Meal You Don’t Want to Skip

By American Specialty Health on January 29, 2024

Whether or not to eat breakfast is an age-old question. But the health reasons for eating the first meal of the day may outweigh the reasons for...

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The Difference Between Processed Food and Ultra-Processed Food

By American Specialty Health on November 27, 2023

Ultra-processed foods bear little resemblance to the whole foods from which they’re made. Steering clear of these foods is vital for your health.

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Beyond Guacamole: 7 Inspired Ways to Enjoy Nutrient-Rich Avocado

By American Specialty Health on October 16, 2023

Avocado is not only velvety smooth and delicious—it’s also nutritious and versatile. Check out these 7 tasty avocado-based snack and meal ideas. ...

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8 Ways to Cut Down on Food Waste

By American Specialty Health on September 4, 2023

Americans throw away about 30 to 40 percent of their food each year. Learn how you can help reduce food waste, cut costs, and even help the planet.

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