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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

6 Ways to Reignite Your Holiday Cheer

By American Specialty Health on December 2, 2022

If you’re feeling kind of “meh” about the holidays this year, take comfort. You may be able to infuse new meaning and joy into the holidays with...

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Overcoming Challenges and Cycling for a Cause

By American Specialty Health on November 9, 2022

"Limitations often feel hard to overcome, but as with cycling up hills, we must face and overcome them, even when they feel like mountains."

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F.A.S.T. Thinking Can Help You Spot a Stroke

By American Specialty Health on November 4, 2022

Learning the symptoms of stroke can help minimize the damage it can cause. Remember the acronym “F.A.S.T.” and you might help save a life.

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How To Build the Ultimate Emergency Car Kit for Your Next Road Trip

By American Specialty Health on November 4, 2022

If you’re gearing up for a road trip this holiday season, stay safe by outfitting your car with an emergency kit before you leave.

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Ease Pain and Inflammation With an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

By American Specialty Health on October 25, 2022

If you live with chronic pain due to inflammation, an anti-inflammatory diet may bring you some relief. Eating certain foods and limiting others may...

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9 Great Exercise Videos for Strengthening Your Feet and Ankles

By American Specialty Health on October 10, 2022

With all the tasks your feet and ankles do, it’s important to keep them strong and flexible. But these unsung heroes don’t always get the fitness...

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Not So Run-of-the-Mill: These 5 Pseudo Grains Are Nutritional Stars

By American Specialty Health on September 29, 2022

Not all grains are the same. Some are so different they’re not even grains. Enter the “pseudo grains,” which are in fact seeds. But don’t think this...

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Healing the Hurt When Your Adult Child Cuts Ties

By American Specialty Health on September 28, 2022

When your adult child cuts you off, the chasm can seem as wide as the pain is deep. But there are steps you can take toward repairing the...

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Navigating Medicare Enrollment

By American Specialty Health on September 27, 2022

Medicare enrollment can be a confusing labyrinth, especially when enrolling the first time. Here are resources to help you walk through it.

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Try Nordic Pole Walking For a Unique, Total-Body Workout

By American Specialty Health on September 2, 2022

Nordic pole walking turns a walk into a calorie-torching, total-body workout. It also brings the fun. So, grab some poles and walk this way!

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