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American Specialty Health

American Specialty Health Incorporated (ASH) is one of the nation’s premier independent and privately owned specialty health organizations offering technology-enabled services for benefits management, including clinical programs for musculoskeletal health, fitness programs, and health improvement programs for health plans, employers, associations, and others.

Does an Aspirin a Day Keep Heart Disease Away?

By American Specialty Health on September 2, 2022

You may have seen headlines recently about low-dose aspirin use. Read on to learn if an aspirin a day is still a good way to prevent heart disease.

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What Is Iron-Deficiency Anemia and How Can You Lower Your Risk?

By American Specialty Health on September 2, 2022

There are many types of anemia. The most common, iron-deficiency anemia, may be easier to prevent and/or treat than other types. Read on to learn why.

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The Joy of Replacing Small Talk With Deep Conversations

By American Specialty Health on August 30, 2022

For many, talking with strangers rarely moves beyond small talk. But deeper, more meaningful conversations with strangers actually can provide some...

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How to Protect Yourself From Shingles

By American Specialty Health on August 8, 2022

Learn about shingles and how you can protect yourself from this viral infection with the shingles vaccine.

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Jumpstart Your Workout Motivation When You Have the Blues

By American Specialty Health on July 29, 2022

When you’ve got the blues, exercise may feel downright impossible. But you can revive your workout motivation, and thereby your mood, with these 7...

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A Sweet, Crunchy, and Savory Spinach Salad With Raspberry Dressing

By American Specialty Health on July 27, 2022

Don’t love the taste of spinach? Here’s an easy fix: Top your spinach salad with a host of flavorful foods and sweeten it with raspberry dressing.

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Why Getting a Little Rest and Relaxation Is Crucial for Your Health

By American Specialty Health on July 27, 2022

Rest and relaxation—or R&R, as it’s often called—is key to a healthy life. But for many, R&R doesn’t always get the attention it’s due.

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4 Post-Workout Tips for Better Muscle Recovery

By American Specialty Health on July 1, 2022

Strength training helps you stay strong, mobile, and independent. But taking steps to enhance muscle recovery between workouts may be equally...

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5 Steps You Can Take to Boost Bone Density

By American Specialty Health on July 1, 2022

Bone density is a measure of how strong your bones are. And though bones tend to weaken over time, you can keep, and even boost, your bone density,...

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Zesty Grilled Tofu Burgers That Even Tofu Skeptics Will Love

By American Specialty Health on June 22, 2022

Summertime BBQ season is here! If you’re looking to cut back on how much meat you eat, try these tempting tofu burgers at your next cookout.

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